Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Not so bad

I had my MRI and I found out that it is open at both ends. When I looked up the machine was very close to my face. I just kept my eyes closed. The time went by quickly.
I have 2 cysts on my right liver that are about 2 inches.  Jogging is out since they rub up against my ribs.
Now comes the exciting part of what I can and can't do as far as exercise.

Getting my tincture to help reduce the size of these cysts.

We will see where this adventure takes me next.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

MRI scan

I am getting ready for my MRI scan tomorrow. I am a bit scared of closed in places so we will see how I do with being strapped down and stuck in a tube for 30 minutes. All of this just to rule out cancer.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Flare up of my IBS

I was at a restaurant in Sedona. A fancy one. They said that they could make some gluten free stuff for me. I ordered a couple of items. With in 10 minutes my IBS got inflammed the rest of the night and part of today was not fun. This flare up wasn't that bad. Like some of my friends some of my flare ups can last days to weeks.
Need to watch restaurants that don't have a gluten free menu.