Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Are we the product or our past?

I know it's been a while since I have posted here.  I have been trying to learn how to market.
That has been stressful which of course could set off my IBS.  In the past year since I have been on this post let me tell you a bit of what has been happening.

I have met a lot of people who have not had the ideal situations growing up.
Some of them have become a product of their up bringing. 

Most of the time the up bringing was negative.  Then as adults most of these people end up with gut issues, like me.  They are still dealing with past events just in different situations.

Over the last five years I have been working on handling stress differently.  This is starting to work better for me then it did five years ago.  I see where people are now and it reminds me of where I use to be.  Struggling with how to deal with stress and finding confidence in self when it seems like the world or other people around you are against you.

What I have learned is that we all are in the same boat.  All of us have different situations or stressors that we deal with on a daily basis.  If we could just be a little kinder to each other, a little gentler, a little bit more understanding I think we would have a fantastic world.

I write this so that way I hope I can make this world a better place one blog at a time.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Are all yogurts the same?

I have been noticing lately about the many different choices of yogurts that are out there from organic to chobani to activia.  Some of these yogurts are really high in sugar.  Sugar can inflame a persons IBS.  Which yogurt is the right one?  I can't really say.  It's an individual choice on what seems good for you. 
Recently I found out that the organic yogurt seems to contain more sugar then some of the other brands. Ouch!!!
I tried Chobani yogurt for some reason I seem to always pick the ones that don't taste good or that the company is having problems with.
Yopalit  is alright  but I find that the greek style yogurts are far to big for the serving size if people are trying to lose weight.
Now I am trying activia.  I will give it the two week challenge, as they advertise.  See if this helps with the small inflammations I get from time to time when I eat the wrong types of food.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Is pizza like life?

Friday I unexpectedly found myself at my daughter's school for lunch.  As I was there I had pizza with my daughter.  Yes, the pizza had gluten in it.  I seemed to do okay until the middle of the night when my colon decided to thank me for the gluten surprise.  It was very upset.

As I laid in bed with a very upset colon it made me realize how many times in life do we accept other people's crap and take it in as if it were our own. Feel very comfortable with it but some how we don't speak out like my colon and just become comfortable with what people say and do with us or about us.

How many times through our own choices we let people get to us by putting us down, or blaming us. We take it thinking that this is how we are. That we are stupid, or not worthy of anything.
While the whole time our mind is screaming out that whatever people are saying about us isn't true.

I think it happens more often then we would like to admit. We so easily give our power away to things that shouldn't matter and we don't leave room to nurture ourselves.

I think it's time for all of us to take ourselves back and be kind to ourselves and give ourselves a break.  We are all people going through a people experience.  Sometimes we forget that.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Pressure Change

This kidney stone has set off a few chain reactions in my body due to pressure changes as slight as it may be. The pressure change has effected my IBS in some weird way.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

I'm back!!

I had a few health issues that I needed to take care of since January.
Just when you think you have have everything figured out something else comes up.

During the time I got my CT scan it showed I had a non obstructive kidney stone.  Yeah.  I figured it was fine because it wasn't causing me any problems. 

Well... the darn stone has shifted and I now have pain from time to time.  I am just waiting for this puppy to pass.  It could take weeks for this thing to pass. 
I am going to try some cyotone.  See if it will help get this kidney stone past so I can go on with life.

To much to see and do.

PS....I love Irish Soda Bread, but it doesn't love me when it is made from wheat.
I am going to see if I can find a gluten free recipe.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Anxiety with IBS flare up

I haven't slept very well in the last couple of weeks due to either because I or a member of my family was sick. Because of it my IBS has flared up. I am on a strict diet and I noticed that I have to exercise to help with the anxiety.  I try to use my out of the box places. It only works so far if I can't get a few nights of good sleep.

Things I could tolerate I am having a hard time being patient with these days. Hopefully I can get some sleep. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

What is the secret to not having flare ups of your IBS?

I had a patient ask me what is my secret for being able to maintain my IBS and not have so many flare ups.
For years I was using anti gas medication, activated charcoal, and Imodium. Then one day my body would start having withdrawals from the Imodium. I knew when the Imodium was wearing off because I would start having cold sweats and then my body would shake and I would feel like I wanted to vomit. This would last for hours. I thought I was going to die.

I didn't know what else to do now that I couldn't take Imodium any more. The activated charcoal only worked so well as I was also taking about 6 capsules every 4 hours or so of the anti-gas medications.

I was a wreck. I couldn't go anywhere without having a game plan on knowing where the bathrooms were and I couldn't go to the park with my daughter without having to turn around and head back home or go to the bathroom every 5 minutes. I was letting my medical condition control me. Not the other way around.

I finally decided to start working on myself. When I mean working on myself and I mean the whole thing. Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical. The easy part was the physical. That is all exercise and diet. The hard part was the emotional/spiritual part. I had to dig deep. Go where I didn't want to go. I thought I knew how to deal with life, but I was wrong.

I was seeing myself as a person who was more then half empty instead of seeing myself as someone who was whole and complete.  I started with reading books which lead me to go to support groups and to finally knowing what I was doing and how I have a choice everyday on how I'm going to handle and look at a situation.

It was a hard road looking at how I made my own drama and how I was contributing to other people's drama.  I still have times where I fall flat on my face, but learning to have a more positive outlook of myself and life has helped with keeping the flare ups down with my IBS.

Yes I still have IBS, but I don't let it control me anymore because I know that I am a whole and complete person even with having IBS.